

Both the International Food Standard and the British Retail Consortium (IFS/BRC) are demanding and strict independent certifications that regulate food safety, quality and hygiene control.

As a company, we attach great importance to these independent standards and we would like to achieve the best score in this regard, year after year (higher level for IFS and AA for BRC). The production site in Nieuwkerke has been BRC certified since 2003 and for the IFS standards since 2004. The production site in Waasten has received both certificates annually since the start-up in 2009.

At the request of our American customers, the site in Waasten has been SMETA certified since 2017. The Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit is an independent American audit and also one of the most used ethical controls in the world. Four major themes are addressed during these controls: Health & Safety, Working Conditions, Environment and Ethics.